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A Look Into the Value of E-commerce SEO Services

value of e-commerce SEO services

E-commerce businesses have a lot to gain from search engine optimization. SEO offers one of the best returns on investment (ROI) of any e-commerce marketing strategy, although many online shops are built without SEO in mind.

Instead, many organizations rely on sponsored advertisements and social media, both of which have their benefits but also need ongoing commitment and funding. Advertising costs businesses billions of dollars a year, and that sum is only expected to rise. 

On the other side, search engine optimization (SEO) involves more work upfront but may generate revenue almost automatically with no ongoing costs. 

Therefore, learning SEO best practices is crucial to the success of any online store.

What is E-commerce SEO? Definition

Increasing traffic to your online shop from search engines is what SEO for eCommerce entails. Your goal should be to achieve the highest possible search engine rankings for the things you sell. Traffic may be acquired via sponsored search, but SEO is more cost-effective. You still need to optimize for search, though, because ad blockers and ad blindness can diminish the efficacy of sponsored search.

Headlines, descriptions of products, metadata, internal linking structure, and navigational structure are just some of the elements of an e-commerce site that may be optimized for search and user experience. Each of the products you provide for sale needs its own website optimized to bring in customers via search engines.

Static, non-product-focused pages on your site, however, should not be forgotten.

  • Homepage
  • About page
  • Common Questions and Answers
  • Blog articles
  • Help center answers
  • Contact page

Make a list of relevant keywords to use on those pages. By entering a single long-tail term, users may quickly locate related semantic keywords.

Reasons Why Search Engine Optimization Is Crucial for Online Stores

When they require a certain item or service, what do customers often do? Many people use Google to find answers. They want to know what choices they have, how to make good choices, and how alternatives measure up.

Your ability to reach qualified and interested e-commerce customers depends on your website’s visibility in the search engine results pages (SERPs). It’s great that you’ve got an online presence, but how easily discoverable are your wares?

This is where search engine optimization for online stores comes in. You may reach your desired demographic without spending money on advertisements. Once visitors are at your site, impress them with your excellent offerings, engaging content, and compelling CTAs.

You’re not doing your business any favors by catering to humans alone when designing your website. E-commerce search engine optimization works to overcome the initial challenge of attracting new customers: increasing site traffic.

8 Best Practices for E-commerce SEO


Strategy of E-commerce seo

1. Use important keywords:

Make sure that all of your product information, including sizes, dimensions, colors, pricing, and so on, is easily accessible and comprehensible by both customers and search engines. If your website attracts users from a wide variety of countries, you may want to consider providing either imperial or metric units of measurement, or both. To assure color and size accuracy, compare digital photos to the actual product.

When a customer adds an item to their shopping basket, only then will they see the full price. This may be the result of a sale or an effort to undercut a manufacturer’s minimum advertised price. While it’s possible that concealing prices wouldn’t have much of an effect on search engine rankings, it would have a devastating effect on conversions since shoppers would be forced to go elsewhere for the product’s cost. We’ll discuss how this contributes to a greater bounce rate in the following section.

Finally, make sure that the details of your products are always up to date. New data made available by a manufacturer should be incorporated whenever possible. It’s useful for customers, sure, but it may also help you rank higher by including more of your target keywords on your website.

2. Shopper-centric design:

The aesthetics of your website and individual product pages should improve rather than hinder the buying process. Customers aren’t going to stick around if they have to work too hard to find what they’re looking for on your website, even if you have the trendiest, most desirable items in your business at the greatest pricing available.

Search engine optimization (SEO) also involves design. Search engine results might drop if search engines discover that users leave a website soon after arriving (known as a “high bounce rate”). If your website is well-designed, users will be more likely to stick around even if they don’t discover what they’re looking for straight away.

Your e-commerce site’s navigation should be logical, with menus or alternatives that explain to users exactly what they will see if they select that option. Also, utilize graphics wisely since customers who have to wait too long may give up and go elsewhere. Not only that but how long it takes a page to load also affects its position. Keeping page load times as low as possible is, thus, in your best interest.

If you need inspiration for a new website but don’t know where to begin, take a look at some of your favorite (or least favorite) sites and make some notes. How do you feel about their layout and ease of use? Where do you draw the line? This should provide you some insight into what kinds of content your customers would want to see on your business.

3. URLs should be kept simple and uncluttered:

URLs are what customers type into their browser to reach certain pages inside your online shop. URLs may store a very large amount of data despite their limited length. Names of categories, products, file kinds, and even actions can all be included.

According to search engine optimization (SEO) best practices, URLs should be as descriptive as possible and include keywords that are related to the content of the page they lead to.

No search engine would be able to get any useful information from that address. 

A search engine may infer various things about your business from that URL (you sell lawnmowers, you provide an environmentally friendly gas-powered type, etc.), and a human can see at a glance what the URL links to. They may get the response “Oh, a lawnmower!” if they forward the link. Then go to the item page by clicking. The first illustrative URL could be used to access literally anything, couldn’t it?

4. Image alt text should be used:

Anyone who has ever uploaded an image to a website, whether through a content management system or by hand in HTML, is familiar with alt text. Alt text is a single line of “alternate” text that serves several purposes. It can be shown in place of a picture (if the link is broken, for instance) or, in some browsers, when the mouse is hovered over an image.

Important keywords can also be included in the site through the use of alt text. A search engine cannot tell the purpose of a picture or what it is when it crawls a website. Your picture may be of a lawnmower, but you must use the alt text to inform search engines of this fact. This adds even more context to the page; for example, a page containing a picture of a lawnmower is likely to have some material related to lawnmowers.

If you’re going to display an image of a product in Flash, for example, make sure the alt text is also displayed. Including alt text with your photos can help them show up in image searches for relevant terms, even if those terms appear elsewhere on the product or category page.

Users who are legally blind or have trouble reading web pages benefit greatly from alt text. Websites must be accessible to people with disabilities in accordance with Section 508 of the United States Rehabilitation Act. If your website relies heavily on images but you don’t provide alternative text, a visually impaired user’s browser won’t be able to “read” anything for them. Not adhering to this standard has gotten several websites into trouble in the past. Alt text should be supplied to all pictures on your site, including thumbnails and smaller buttons.

5. Accept feedback from clients:

Reviews are a great way to increase sales on your website. It’s been empirically demonstrated that reviews, even negative ones, increase the likelihood that a customer would purchase a product. Therefore, it is to your advantage to encourage feedback from buyers after they have made a purchase.

Review management is a typical piece of advice for e-commerce SEO, which is surprising given that enabling reviews may also assist with SEO. Important keywords will appear frequently in evaluations from satisfied customers. They may employ synonyms or long-tail keywords that can help with your ranking (or at least send the proper type of signal to search engines), however repeating the same keywords that are already present on your page is unlikely to have any effect.

6. Avoid duplicate content:

If you are a retailer rather than a manufacturer selling things online, you likely obtained the product descriptions from the firms that actually made the goods. While it is recommended that you offer as much detail as possible about your items, you should take care not to repeat any product descriptions or product copy that has been provided to you.

Disseminating duplicate information across a small number of pages is unlikely to do any harm. However, as search engine algorithms evolve, websites that duplicate product material are increasingly receiving negative rankings. The best way to keep from damaging your search engine results is to write entirely different descriptions for every product you sell. Although challenging and time-consuming, this may help set you apart from the competition. This is especially true if you carry a lot of products.

Readers appreciate product descriptions that are informative without being boring. In addition, wit and any other efforts to give the topic a fresh “spin” will likely be well-received. Aim for 3-5 succinct lines to describe your product, making use of the keywords and phrases you believe would help it rank well.

In the same vein, don’t steal manufacturer blogs or other unique content. This is not just a terrible idea from a duplicate content standpoint, but it is also likely frowned upon by the firm. You’ll find that many suppliers and producers use content marketing strategies similar to your own. You should contact the manufacturer through email if you notice something on their website that you want to use.

7. Generate original material:

Ranking highly for competitive keywords and phrases might be challenging for an e-commerce site that lacks unique content or a substantial number of goods. Creating original, engaging content is one strategy for competing in this space and attracting and retaining customers.

A lot of stores nowadays have blogs where employees may share their thoughts on industry happenings and trends. Adding fresh material like this is an excellent approach to increase your website’s visibility in search results. If you blog frequently on the same topic, search engines will likely view you as an authority on the issue. As long as the blogs are informative and correct, your readers will like it as well.

You may increase your search engine rankings and optimize your site’s content with any number of available content marketing tactics. There are a variety of strategies to attract visitors and optimize your website with “meaty” material that search engines will adore, including manuals, whitepapers, and long-form blog posts or articles.

8. Write for humans – not for search engines:

While search engine optimization (SEO) is important for your online store, remember that your customers are why you’re in business. Customers aren’t mindless automatons, after all. While a paragraph of keyword-stuffed, incoherent text could improve your search engine rankings, it will do nothing to increase your clickthrough rate.

Hiring a skilled copywriter who can write in a way that appeals to both people and search engines is your best chance. If hiring a copywriter is out of your price range, you may teach yourself the basics using seminars and manuals available online. If you’d rather not create the copy yourself, feel free to employ the professional team of internet marketers here at SEO Consulting Services to do it for you.

Top Nine Advantages of eCommerce SEO

We realize that the “COVID-19” buzz has worn off, but if you have an online business, you need to hear about The Benefits of eCommerce SEO!

Owners of online shops probably already know how crucial it is to have a site that is optimized for search engines. No matter if they want to do well in the SERPs of Google or Bing, or not.

Better search engine rankings imply more organic visitors, which means more potential buyers checking out your online store.

However, millions of businesses that may not have considered selling online before COVID-19 now feel compelled to do so in order to mitigate the effects of the most devastating epidemic in modern history on their operations.

The conclusion we get is that competition in the digital sphere is higher than ever. When used to an online store, eCommerce SEO tactics may help you rise above the competition.

The 9 Advantages of Search Engine Optimization for Online Stores are Listed Below.

Encourage Natural Searches and Raise Brand Recognition

Keeping your e-commerce site at the top of major search engines’ results will do wonders for your brand awareness if you’ve invested in SEO (Search Engine Optimization). You never know when someone will need your goods or services, and being among Google’s top results increases the likelihood that they will remember your company and contact you first when they do.

According to research done by Zero Limit Web in 2021, 67.60% of all clicks on the first page go to the top five organic results, while just 3.73% go to results 6-10. Building brand recognition and gaining new customers in the digital space requires a website that is optimized for search engines like Google.

Increase Your Online Reputation

Websites’ authority, relevancy, and trustworthiness are evaluated by search engines based on their content and their link profiles. What this means is that search engines are looking for reliable and pertinent information to match user searches.

Using search engine optimization best practices on your website will increase your chances of being found by your target audience.

Users’ positive associations with your brand grow whenever your site appears in response to a search. When people start to recognize your company as an industry leader, they are more likely to buy from you because of the increased level of trust they have in your brand.

 Improve Your Click-Through-Rate (CTR) in Online Stores to Drive More Sales

Increased sales are another benefit of SEO, as the vast majority of consumers now conduct internet research before making a purchase. The current COVID-19 epidemic has just added to the already enormous sums of money being spent on the internet.

RTE found that 88 percent of e-commerce small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have seen a shift in sales volume since the COVID-19 issue, with 77 percent viewing this as a net positive.

With a solid SEO plan in place, your website will rise naturally in the SERPs. When you tailor your content to a certain audience’s needs by including highly searched-for terms and providing answers to their questions.

The success of any content marketing campaign depends on your use of relevant keywords. The trust and credibility of your brand may grow with the aid of content marketing.

Every time your website comes up as a top result in a search for a certain product, you increase the possibility that a client will make a purchase from you in the future.

Generate Organic Visitor Flow and Lasting Success

Search engine optimization for online stores is a method that takes time but pays off in the form of more visitors to your store. Most online stores think about utilizing sponsored ads to get the word out about their wares, but eCommerce SEO might be a lucrative option.

Online advertising is effective at increasing revenue, but the costs may be prohibitive depending on your industry, the items you sell, and the level of competition in your market. Moreover, it needs constant cash outlay.

While PPC is a short-term strategy, eCommerce SEO is a long-term strategy that will continue to draw people to your website naturally and cheaply. However, keep in mind that optimizing for search engines is an ongoing process. Changes in algorithms, new rivals, updated websites, and other factors frequently have an effect on search engine optimization.

Pay-per-click (PPC) online advertising can help you save money

Online advertising is expensive, but for many eCommerce firms it is a necessary strategy for driving sales, and SEO is the finest instrument to help. Assuming that the same target keywords and content used inside a webpage will produce value for organic and sponsored searches, the material you optimize for SEO should also help Google Ads campaigns.

Google’s Quality Score evaluates the usefulness of ads in relation to landing sites in order to calculate the estimated CPC. Better Quality Scores, reduced click costs, and improved paid performance implies less money spent on advertising.

 Increase Remarketing’s Current Targets

By presenting advertisements to buyers who have visited your website before but have not converted, you can turn the organic traffic you receive from organic search into quality leads with remarketing audiences.

You want these people to come back to your online store since they showed interest in browsing your items.

Remarketing audiences for display advertising grow in proportion to the number of individuals brought to the site via organic searches (eCommerce SEO).

Make the UX (user experience) better

Google’s algorithm takes into account genuine human behavior when deciding which sites will take the top positions; hence, UX design and usability have become critical components of SEO. Study how the new Google Page Experience affects search engine optimization.

Your Store’s Online Brochure

Many traditional shops went online for the first time because of the current pandemic limitations. However, if your company does not engage in online sales, an ECommerce SEO plan can still be quite useful in luring visitors to your brick-and-mortar location.

Before buying something in person, most consumers conduct research on it online first. While many businesses rely on social media sites like Facebook and Instagram to showcase their wares online, a well-optimized website that also serves as an online brochure for a brick-and-mortar store may increase the likelihood that either new or returning customers will visit the store. Customers can learn everything they need to know about your company and its wares on your website, even if they have to physically visit your store to make a purchase.

However, eCommerce SEO for physical establishments will let customers research their questions online before they even step foot inside. Think with Google Consumer Insights found that consumers are more informed than ever before about confirming the reliability of suggestions and reviews, locating products in stock, and locating shop hours.

Search engine optimization (SEO) tactics guarantee that people can find your business and products online and that relevant information can be quickly accessed from your website. It increases the amount of opportunities for you to interact with a potential consumer, which in turn educates them and makes them more receptive to making a purchase.

Making More Money as Visitor Volume Grows

In 2020, the e-commerce market in Ireland will have contributed to the global growth rate of 26% an increase of 26%. Online sales have continued to rise. Existing markets have room to grow, while new ones are always appearing. Over the next few years, the world economy will continue to expand. In today’s modern world, internet shopping has become increasingly popular. The importance of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) in driving more visitors to your website and ultimately increasing your offline and online revenue has never been higher.


Competition is fierce on the World Wide Web. Knowing how to attract your desired customers to your website is crucial to your business’s success. SEO, or search engine optimization, is one of the most efficient methods for accomplishing this. Getting your website to the top of search engine results pages (SERPS) is the goal.

You need a solid eCommerce SEO consultant if you want to grow sales and broaden your market. Search engine optimization (SEO) is an investment in brand recognition, customer trust, and repeat business for your online shop.

Whether you learn basic SEO strategies on your own or hire a professional, you can push your website to the top of search engine results and never look back.

Also read, Should You Invest in SEO Consulting Services?