SEO Consultant Services USA

Creating Strong Digital Foundation With The Technical SEO Service In The USA

Did you know for every second delay in your page load time, you’re losing valuable leads? This increases the bounce rate. But not anymore! With the help of our technical SEO consultants in the USA, you can improve website performance and get high-quality leads and traffic.

What is Technical SEO?

Search engines have a set of guidelines they undertake to rank a website. When your website follows them, they get ranked. Technical SEO is a way to make your online business compatible with search engines like Google.
Following the guidelines, it can be crawled and indexed easily. This is where technical SEO helps. It is an audit done to-
People use smartphones. The digital age is rapidly increasing, making Google change its algorithms now and then. Google gives importance to websites that are good in speed and provide smooth mobile experiences as well.
Websites that have a poor structure with slow page loading time are penalized by Google. To combat such problems, you need to make sure your technical SEO is on point.

You’ve to make sure to get proper intervention. If the work isn’t done properly it may lead to a drop in search rankings and organic traffic. Who’s the savior? That’s the technical SEO services!

What is Technical SEO

Create Better Search Experience For Your Business

What is the goal of technical SEO? Why is it done? It is done to provide a smooth, better, and impeccable user experience.
All you have to do is leverage SEO technical audits and ensure your website adheres to Google’s algorithm. There are several parts included in Technical SEO-
All these factors work comprehensively to fuel your online performance. Hence technical SEO is an important factor to consider before launching a website.

Technical SEO consultant in the USA

Can help you build a CMS system with proper eCommerce guidelines.

Why Technical SEO?

Consider this – you have an impeccable business, amazing content, and engaging matter for your website. But is it worth it if the search engines can’t browse it smoothly?
A well-written piece of content may attract customers but if your loading time is a lot more than usual, would they visit again? We guess not. And that is when we need technical SEO!
In a competitive digital world, we need to focus on a smooth user experience. Technical optimization SEO ensures everything is under its umbrella.

The process makes sure to

Why Technical SEO

This may sound like a blunder but not to the technical SEO consultants. Our team knows how to run through every technical optimization SEO process extensively while also working on your rank across search engines.

Technical SEO Services In The USA

Technical SEO Audits

A Technical SEO audit is done to identify and fix a website’s technical SEO issues. It is a comprehensive series of tests run across the website including the mobile performance, page speed, internal link structure, indexation, XML sitemap, crawl errors, site architecture, and robots.txt. The technical SEO audit helps you to get short and long-term solutions needed for website improvement and further development. It also helps to increase search engine rankings on Google and overall user experience.

Meta data analysis

Meta tags are important. They help you improve online visibility and gain traffic. These tags define your content, and website to the search engines. Technical SEO is done to analyze and optimize meta tags including descriptions, titles, alt attributes, and robot tags. With proper analysis, you can ensure no one can harm your SEO by misusing the metadata.

Speed optimization

A good speed improves ranks and increases customer online engagement. With the help of technical SEO, one can reduce the size of CSS, HTML, or JavaScript files. This is done by file compression. Our technical SEO specialists make sure to optimize your code, use browser caching, decrease redirects, and use the CDN or content distribution networks. This practice improves the server response time as well.

Keyword research

Digital marketing is incomplete without keyword research. Technical SEO helps you stay on current industry trends. It also studies customer behavior and uses the keywords appropriately. Keyword rankings, niche, and other technical audits are studied to make the best out of your business. The pages are optimized accordingly with high-performing search words.

Penalty recovery

A good technical SEO practice helps you combat the black hat technical SEO. Google penalties are common if you do the latter. Even when the search engine’s algorithm changes it can lead to a penalty. Our team of technical SEO experts can help you recover from the same. Google Search Console is used to analyze website changes, assess backlinks, and resolve the content crawled by the search engine. Redirects are also checked in the penalty recovery.

Image optimization

Did you know that large images slow down website performance? This may drive the visitors away. You’ve to make sure to reduce the load time and attract customers. This is easily done with the help of technical SEO for eCommerce. A good technical SEO expert will optimize alt attributes, choose the right format for the file, reduce image file size, maximize optimization for image plugins, and use an image sitemap.

Structured data markup

Schema markup is used to do technical SEO. It helps search engines easily crawl, display content, and interpret it. A well-structured data markup will highlight page elements, create HTML, give data tags, and add schema markup to the website.

Backlink Analysis

With the help of technical backlink analysis, you may get a better understanding of your website. It includes search ranking capabilities. This practice can help one acquire high-quality links from reputable websites.
Apart from these standard services, technical SEO services in the USA also conducts the following-

Competitor analysis

Technical SEO also provides an analysis of your competition. How are others doing? You can get an overall view with the help of a technical SEO company. It’s important to know your competitors to further create strategies. Competitor analysis is one of the advantages for your business.

Website migration

Website migration is a complex process that needs a robust migration plan. We don’t have to lose valuable traffic! With the help of technical SEO experts in the USA, you can perform SEO-friendly website migration. It includes-

Why Choose The Technical SEO Experts in the USA?

Here’s we you should work with us-

Our team of experts conducts an in-depth website audit that includes paid campaigns, backlink profiles, analytics, conversion rate optimization, and competition.
We help you identify, plan and execute data-driven technical SEO optimization.
Our technical SEO services track your SEO campaign performance and gather actionable insights. These help us work towards respective goals and better performance.

Get top search engine rankings with the help of USA’s Best SEO consultant today. Give us a call or reach out to our mail.