SEO Consultant Services USA

Should You Invest in SEO Consulting Services?

Should You Invest in SEO Consulting Services

Has your firm been doing SEO on its own, only to find that its rivals consistently rank higher than it does? Or perhaps you’re familiar with the concept of search engine optimization but are unsure of how to put it to use for your business.

It’s probable that your rivals have retained the services of an SEO expert to advise them on an inbound marketing plan designed to boost their website’s visibility in search engine results pages and drive more visitors and customers to their site.

If you hire the correct expert, you can flip this around and be the one who is ahead of the curve. Having an SEO consultant is essential, and here’s why.

The Role of an SEO Consulting/Ad Agency

There is a wide variety of ad firms to choose from. Some of them specialize in helping businesses improve their organic search rankings, while others focus on sponsored advertisements. For some, conventional advertising is more important. A wide variety of services may be found at some advertising firms. Sizes vary greatly amongst examples. While some aim to appeal to the masses, those with narrower focuses fill a specific need.

One thing they all have in common, though, is that they provide marketing services and SEO consulting services to boost your advertising and promotion efforts.

You should engage a marketing firm if you’re having trouble getting any traction with your SEO campaigns at the moment.

If you’re already working with an advertising firm but aren’t satisfied with their work, it’s time to choose a new one.

These are the foundational assumptions around which the remainder of this paper will be constructed.

So, what are the more concrete warnings that it’s time to bring in (or let go of) SEO consultants?

Warnings That You Need to Work with an SEO Agency

These symptoms are manageable in the short term and on their own. The best course of action, however, is to hire an advertising firm if you notice several of these indications occurring frequently.

Your business’s marketers are masters of several skills.

Consider the team member who should be the primary contact for marketing and promotion. If they have years of expertise as an SEO consultant or running PPC campaigns, that’s fantastic! Yes, but what else are they up to? There’s no reason why team members can’t occasionally handle tasks that aren’t directly related to their primary areas of expertise. However, if your marketers are functional jacks-of-all-trades who juggle many responsibilities such as HR manager, customer service rep, and project management, they may not be able to offer their whole focus to your marketing and advertising efforts. Consider that if your best marketer is only devoting half of their time on marketing, you have effectively cut your potential in half.

There is a lack of natural visitors.

If you’re not getting enough visitors from search engines, it might be time to bring in an expert. The term “organic traffic” describes visits to a website that come from natural or unpaid search engine results. The number of monthly organic visits that count “enough” varies from brand to brand, but for some, it’s in the thousands. Some people could be dissatisfied with a monthly average of 20,000 visitors. Still, it’s a hint that you need to engage an advertising firm if your website isn’t receiving as much organic traffic as you believe it should.

Your company’s website doesn’t come up in results for “brands like yours.

Conduct the study I’ve asked you to. Start a new, private tab in your preferred web browser, then search using terms and phrases related to your field. Whether you own a vehicle lot, you should regularly check to see whether your business comes up in searches for things like “used cars for sale in [your city]” and “where can I buy a new [type of car].” You should repeat the test with a wide variety of sentences. Your brand is in trouble if it doesn’t appear anywhere on the first page of search results; since most users never go beyond this point, you’ve effectively eliminated all chances of attracting new customers. This is often the result of either not implementing any SEO strategy at all or using a seriously incorrect strategy. The answer is to engage an SEO consulting firm with experienced SEO specialists on staff.

You’re still calling it Google Webmaster Tools.

Do you have experience with Google’s Webmaster Tools? You’ve probably heard of it because it’s a package of tools designed to assist businesses like yours increase their visibility and presence in search engines. This, however, is the rub. In 2015, Google’s Webmaster Tools became known as Google Search Console. As such, you probably haven’t been keeping up with the latest changes in search engine marketing over the past eight years if you’re still referring to it by its previous moniker. Yikes.

Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising is a simple and cost-effective strategy for attracting new visitors to your website. These efforts almost certainly will increase traffic, but there is no assurance that you will see a return on investment. You should engage PPC and SEO specialists if your campaign is underperforming, new visitors aren’t converting, or the return on investment (ROI) is embarrassingly low.

Irrelevant traffic is wasting time on your website.

Although traffic seems to be a numbers game, appearances can be deceiving. Compared to other companies, your success in drawing visitors to your site is impressive. However, these exaggerated figures become vanity metrics if those people aren’t actually interested in what you’re selling. If you want to generate money off of your website, you need targeted visitors. If you’re having trouble attracting
the right customers, it might be time to invest in an ad agency.

Your calls to action (CTAs) aren’t working

If you want people to do things like buy a product, fill out a form, or sign up for your email newsletter, you need to have conspicuous calls to action (CTAs) on your website. It won’t matter how much traffic you bring in if people aren’t responding to these cues, rendering your entire campaign ineffective.

The AB tests aren’t working (or you don’t understand what they are).

How effective are your AB tests thus far? You will be able to compare the results of several variables when they are subjected to the same experimental settings. You could, for instance, learn that a certain headline is underperforming, or that a certain design feature is multiplying your conversion rate. If your AB tests aren’t yielding useful results, it might be time to bring in an outside advertising firm. To make matters worse, you should hire some professional SEO gurus if you had no idea what an AB test was before reading this piece.

You’ve already performed the rudimentary troubleshooting steps but to no avail.

It may be argued that some of these criticisms are unjust, given that every marketer and advertiser faces problems from time to time. The true difficulty arises if you are unable to address these concerns promptly. Ad agencies are a good option if you need help figuring out why your campaigns aren’t performing as expected or if simple fixes aren’t improving your numbers. They can advise you on what steps to take to rectify the situation and restore order to your campaigns.

Signs You Need to Fire Your SEO Consultant


Warning signs of a bad SEO consultant

Let’s try to picture something different now. You’ve been working with your SEO consultant or advertising firm for a while now. You’re not happy in the partnership, but you can’t put your finger on why.

These indicators suggest that you should definitely part ways with your current advertising firm.

The financial outcomes are unsatisfactory.

Let’s imagine you’ve been working with an advertising firm for a while and have noticed some promising results, such as more traffic or improved search engine rankings. In monetary terms, how have things been going? To rephrase: how many people are becoming paying customers? How much money do you think this agency is making because of its efforts? If your return on investment (ROI) is negative or if your financial outcomes are otherwise unsatisfactory, it may be time to consider ending your partnership.

You’re getting a supposedly “great” deal.

In the realms of advertising agencies and search engine optimization (SEO), the adage “you get what you pay for” often holds true. It’s reasonable to try to save money where you can, and an extremely low price for handling your SEO strategy can catch your attention. You are not getting more than $100 worth of value from an SEO consultant charging you $100 per month, and in certain situations, low-cost companies might actively hurt your brand (by, for example, constructing spammy links or creating material that reflects badly on your company).

You don’t really know what you’re paying for.

Similarly, it’s a warning sign if you have no idea what you’re getting for your money. What are they doing with the several thousand dollars in monthly fees you pay to your SEO consultant? How much money have you put into your pay-per-click marketing campaign so far? How frequently do you get updated material? What is the rate of fresh link building? If you’re paying for SEO services but have no idea where the money is going and your consultant won’t tell you, it’s time to part ways.

Your campaign is an exact copy of someone else’s.

All too frequently, SEO consultants try to cut corners by developing generic marketing strategies (sometimes known as “cookie-cutter” campaigns). While this may be more efficient and easy for the agency’s marketing team, it is not in your company’s best interest to do so. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to SEO marketing and advertising since every company has its own distinct market segment, brand identity, and advertising objectives.

SEO firm specializes in a single industry.

Hiring SEO experts who have worked with businesses like yours can yield positive results. But if this is the only area of expertise they have, it may indicate that they use the same generic advertising approach for each new client. Keep an eye out for further warning signs when you evaluate the advertising firm in question.

No recent modifications were found in the revision history.

Successful advertising calls for constant evaluation, adjustment, and testing. That is to say, on the road to marketing success in the long run, your efforts will go through a variety of iterations. What does the “change history” report reveal when you open it from within your PPC ad management account? Your SEO consultant’s “set and forget” strategy is harmful to your brand if there have been no recent updates to your campaign. If your SEO consultant isn’t ready to take a more hands-on approach to management, you may want to consider finding a new one.

There are major transparency issues.

When working with an SEO consulting firm, honesty is essential. You should feel comfortable asking your SEO consultant pointed questions about their methods and the expected outcomes. There’s no use in continuing to deal with an advertising firm that dodges your queries, tells white lies, or can’t assist you address your toughest problems. This is indicative of poor teamwork and is typically a hint that the SEO expert is employing dishonest methods.

It’s quite challenging to get in touch with anyone.

Maintaining constant and open lines of communication is critical to the success of any campaign. Therefore, you should consider how simple it is to get in contact with a representative of the organization. Is there a prompt response whenever you make contact (phone call, email)? Do you receive quick responses to your queries, or do you have to pester them for days or weeks?

Only monthly reports and updates are received.

Monthly reports are the industry standard for showing clients the progress you’ve made and offering advice for the future in marketing and advertising. Monthly reports are helpful, but if that’s the only time you hear from your SEO consultant, they’re probably attempting to avoid doing anything more than the bare minimum.

Emphasis in reports is placed on superficial metrics.

Read any reports you get on a regular basis carefully, and pay special attention to how they are presented. Your SEO experts may not have your best interests at heart if they prioritize superficial metrics like search engine rankings and social media followers over more substantive ones like conversions.

No one can explain why something isn’t functioning

Professional SEO experts aren’t immune to making blunders or failing to get the desired outcomes. However, seasoned marketers use this criticism as fuel to push themselves to the next level. You should terminate your SEO consultant if you’re unhappy with their techniques (and the outcomes) and no one within the agency can explain why. This is essential if you’ve already seen a number of other “red flags” that should make you eager to dismiss this SEO professional.

What Will a Professional SEO Consultant Do for Me?

An SEO consultant will analyze your company’s existing SEO and develop an overarching SEO plan based on those factors.

The consultant’s responsibility is to improve your company’s search engine rankings by reviewing and analyzing SEO data, updating your website’s existing content, collaborating with your in-house marketing team or an outside agency to create ongoing search-engine-optimized website content, and working to develop and implement your company’s off-page SEO.

In a nutshell, hiring an expert in search engine optimization can boost the visibility and usability of your company’s online presence. You’ll acquire more leads and sales as a consequence of their assistance as you better cater to your target demographic using tested inbound marketing tactics.

The Importance of Hiring an Expert SEO Consultant

Though it may appeal to your curiosity, working with a professional SEO consultant may not be something you immediately feel the need to invest in. Inbound marketing; don’t forget the two terms.

The goal of inbound marketing is to increase brand awareness and loyalty by developing meaningful relationships with target audiences. Proving your expertise in your field, alleviating potential customers’ problems, and demonstrating that you appreciate their demands are all part of this process.

There are three main areas to master in inbound marketing strategy:

  • Customers might be attracted in a big manner by using the services of a skilled search engine optimization expert. Using content, message, and keywords, they’ll make your brand stand out as an industry leader and win over customers who are interested in what you have to offer.
  • Increase audience engagement and convert more leads into paying customers with the aid of your consultant by developing content that speaks to the intellectual and emotional demands of your target audience.
  • Customers will be thrilled to learn that, with your consulting assistance, they can count on your continued assistance while they reap the benefits of working with your company.

What Qualities Should an SEO Expert Have?

Now that we’ve established the need for, and definition of, a professional SEO consultant, the next question is: how do you go about finding the correct consultant for your business?

When picking an SEO consultant, look for these qualities:

  • Although there are a lot of people who work in SEO, that doesn’t make them experts. Look for an SEO expert that has worked in the field for at least a few years, has a solid portfolio of completed projects, and can provide references or testimonials from satisfied clients.
  • Your consultant should have in-depth knowledge of on-page SEO, off-page SEO, and technical SEO. They need to be well-versed in search engine optimization, from keywords and tags to site map creation and page layout.
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills are essential for a consultant; you want to hire someone who can explain why certain adjustments need to be made and how they will be implemented.

Invest in a Professional SEO Consulting Team

If your own marketing efforts aren’t producing desirable results, it may be time to bring in the pros like search engine optimization (SEO) specialists and ad agencies.

Your present SEO services should be terminated (and maybe replaced) if they are not producing the desired results.

In any case, you’ll want to find reputable SEO consulting services as quickly as possible to assist you reach your marketing objectives in the areas of brand awareness, website traffic, and customer conversion.

Our services begin at this point.

We at SEO Consultant Services take great delight in helping those who are truly in need of our services. If your existing SEO campaign isn’t producing the results you want, we can help you fine-tune it, launch a brand new one from scratch, or just help you out where you need it.

A free SEO consultation is the first step, so please get in touch with us right away.