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Technical SEO Best Practices: Know Everything Here!

Technical SEO Best Practices

One of the cornerstones of SEO is the technical side of the industry. Even if you have the best content for a highly-searched topic in your area, it won’t help if your site has technical SEO problems that aren’t fixed.

Because of this, you should prioritize improving your website’s technical SEO.

In this post, I’ll break down the fundamentals of technical SEO and provide 10 steps you can do now to boost your site’s visibility in search engines. To assist you in putting these SEO recommendations into action, I’ve also included a Technical SEO Checklist, available in PDF format.

First, though, we’ll go over some of the fundamentals of technical SEO.

What is Technical SEO?

In search engine optimization (SEO), “technical SEO” refers to the steps you take to make your site more crawler- and indexer-friendly. Technical SEO ensures that your site is easily accessible, crawlable, interpretable, and indexed by search engines.

We refer to it as “technical” since it has nothing to do with the content of the website or the marketing of the website. The primary focus of technical SEO is on improving the underlying framework of a website.

Let’s start with the basics of SEO (search engine optimization) language to have a handle on what technical SEO means.

Why Your Website Needs Technical Search Engine Optimization?

To make educated judgments on the technical aspects of your website to optimize for search engine success, you need to have a firm grasp of technical SEO and its importance and advantages. Implementing technical SEO best practices may help you accomplish your online goals and target audience more successfully, whether you’re a business owner, marketer, or web developer. 

Improved User Experience

The user experience (UX) of your website may be enhanced through technical SEO. A website that is user-friendly, quick to load, and compatible with all devices has a higher chance of retaining visitors, which in turn improves search engine results and business outcomes.

Aspects of technical SEO such as…

  • The loading time of a website has a significant effect on both its popularity and its position in search engine results. If your site takes too long to load, you risk having a high bounce rate, less user engagement, and a poor search engine rating. By compressing pictures, postponing or getting rid of large scripts, and minifying code, technical SEO can assist in enhancing your website’s performance.
  • With the proliferation of mobile devices, optimizing for mobile use has emerged as a critical component of the user experience. Websites that aren’t mobile-friendly might be irritating to use because of their poor usability and lengthy loading times. Ensuring your site is mobile-friendly and responsive is a top priority, and technical SEO may assist.
  • Safety: The safety of a website’s users is paramount. Search engines give preference to secure websites in their results, and visitors value a safe and secure experience. Through the use of SSL certificates, firewalls, and other safeguards, technical SEO may increase the safety of your website.
  • An intuitive interface is crucial to a satisfying user experience. To rank well in search engine results, it is important to have a user-friendly website that is easy to use.

Increased Search Engine Visibility

Enhanced search engine exposure is yet another critical advantage of technical SEO. To be visible in search engines means to be easily discovered, crawled, and indexed. If search engines can readily crawl and index your site, it will have a better chance of ranking well, which in turn will likely increase the number of visitors.

Here are some ways in which technical SEO might boost your site’s rankings:

  • For search engines to index your website’s content, the crawlers must be able to locate and decipher its pages. Creating and uploading a sitemap, optimizing your robots.txt file, and using canonical tags are all examples of technical SEO practices that can improve your website’s indexing.
  • Websites are rated by how easily search engine robots, called “crawlers,” can access every page. By correcting broken links, reducing duplicate material, and improving the site’s architecture, technical SEO can assist in increasing a site’s crawl ability.
  • Using structured data, you can tell search engines even more about the content on your site. Implementing structured data can boost traffic by making search engine results more relevant and accurate.
  • Schema markup is a sort of structured data that is used to make your website more crawlable by search engines. By using schema markup, your website will rank higher in relevant search results, bringing in more of your target audience.

Improved Core Web Vitals

What Google calls “Core Web Vitals” are aspects of a website that are crucial to the user experience as a whole. They’re a subset of Web Vitals that all websites should be tracking, and Google will highlight them in all of its SEO tools. Largest contextual paint (LCP), initial input delay (FID), and cumulative layout shift (CLS) are the three components that makeup Core Web Vitals, which assess page speed and user interaction.

  • The Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) metric analyzes how quickly a website can provide its most substantial piece to the user’s screen.
  • The First Input Delay (FID) is the amount of time that passes between when a user first interacts with a website and when the page responds, for as when they click a button or fill out a form.
  • How much a web page’s layout shifts around visually as it loads is quantified by a metric called cumulative layout shift (CLS).
  • Status (Poor, Need improvement, Good), Metric Type (CLS, FID, LCP), and URL Group (groups of comparable web pages) are all used in the Core Web Vitals report to categorize URL Performance. Google’s search algorithm takes into account these three parameters when deciding which pages to show in search results.

Core Web Vitals may have been designed with developers in mind, but any website owner may benefit from the site’s breakdown of the user’s experience. Boosting your site’s performance in the core areas can increase your SERP visibility, user engagement, and time on the page.

 Better Search Engine Results

Increasing your site’s visibility in search engine results pages is a major objective of technical SEO. Raising your site’s position can boost your site’s traffic and the number of leads you convert.

  • Title tags, meta descriptions, and header tags are just a few examples of on-page components that may be optimized to increase your site’s visibility in search engine results. Increase your website’s relevancy and rating to gain more organic traffic and prospective consumers by using technical SEO to optimize your on-page components for target keywords.
  • Resolving Technical Concerns: Search engine results can be negatively affected by technical issues including broken links, sluggish page loads, and duplicate content. The good news is that these problems may be fixed and your website’s performance and search engine ranking improved with the help of technical SEO.
  • Improving URL Structure and Internal Linking: Technical SEO is essential for improving your website’s architecture. This facilitates search engine crawling and indexing, which in turn can boost your site’s ranks.
  • A higher exposure and ranking in mobile search results means you may reach a larger audience and attract more visitors by optimizing your website for mobile devices through technical SEO.

Lower Rate of Rebounding (Decrease Bounce Rate)

A decrease in your website’s bounce rate is a further important benefit of technical SEO. The percentage of site visitors who only see one page before leaving is known as the “bounce rate.” Because it implies that visitors aren’t finding your content fascinating or relevant, a high bounce rate might hurt your search engine rankings and overall performance.

However, technical SEO can assist you in reducing your bounce rate using:

  • Accelerate Your Website
  • Modify For Mobile Use
  • Correct any Technical Flaws
  • Boost Direction-Finding

More People Visiting Online

The ability to enhance website traffic is one of the most significant benefits of technical SEO. A better search engine ranking increases the likelihood that visitors searching for terms related to your business will come across your website. More people may visit your site as a result of your improved exposure, which may raise your sales.

Website traffic may be increased through improved technical SEO by:

  • As we’ve discussed, technical SEO may aid in optimizing your website for search engines, making it simpler for crawlers, indexers, and rankers to access your content. Optimizing for search engines is one way to boost your website’s organic traffic.
  • Using technical SEO, you may improve your site’s relevance and accessibility for users searching for your target keywords, making it easier for them to find your site in search results. You should expect a higher percentage of targeted traffic and an increase in sales as a result of this.
  • Boosting CTRs by Optimizing On-Page SEO Features With Technical SEO You may improve your website’s CTRs by focusing on the optimization of on-page features like title tags and meta descriptions.
  • As mobile internet usage continues to expand, mobile optimization has emerged as a critical factor in attracting new visitors to websites. You may make your website more pleasant and accessible to mobile users by using technical SEO to design a site that works well across several platforms. More people visiting your site means more potential customers for you.
  • If you want higher search engine results, more focused visitors, and more conversions, you need to optimize your website’s structure, content, and on-page components. 

Technical SEO Best Practices That Work:

Effective Technical SEO Strategies

1. Verify that mobile users can easily navigate your site

More and more people are accessing the internet via their mobile devices, thus your website must be optimized for mobile use. Make sure your site is mobile-friendly by employing a responsive layout and optimizing it for speed. You can see if your site is mobile-friendly by using Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test.

2. Create a website with a straightforward layout

Websites that have a clear and straightforward structure are easier for search engines to crawl and index. This may facilitate indexing and crawling by search engines. Make your material more scannable and understandable by employing header tags (H1, H2, H3, etc.).

3. Make use of keyword-rich, descriptive URLs

Search engine rankings can be boosted by using keyword-rich, descriptive URLs. You should not use a URL structure like “,” but rather something like “”

4. Image alt text should be used

When a picture cannot be displayed, its alt text is presented instead. It improves your search engine rankings since it makes it easier for search engines to interpret the information in your photographs. To increase the likelihood that your photographs will appear in image search results, it is important to include alt text that is both keyword-rich and descriptive.

5. Leverage XML sitemaps

An XML sitemap is a file that contains a complete index of your website’s pages, together with metadata about each one, such as its relevance and frequency of updates. The likelihood of your sites being scanned and indexed by search engines is increased when you provide an XML sitemap.

6. Make use of robots.txt

The robots.txt file is a text file used to instruct search engines to bypass specific areas of your website. This is helpful if your website contains pages that search engines have no use for, or if you wish to block search engines from seeing private or sensitive content.

7. Make sure your HTML is neat and correct

Search engines can better interpret the content and structure of your website if the code is clean and legitimate. To make sure your HTML is error-free, use a validator like the W3C Markup Validation Service.

8. Put in canonical tags

When numerous versions of a webpage exist with the same or nearly identical content, canonical tags are used to identify the preferable version. This can guarantee that search engines are indexing the most up-to-date version of your sites and help you avoid duplicate content concerns.

9. Use a data model

Information about a website and its contents may be provided in a uniform way using structured data. Using structured data, you may improve search engine crawlability and get more informative results.

10. Get on HTTP/2

The improved HTTP/2 protocol is both quicker and more efficient than its predecessor, HTTP/1.1. Your website’s speed, performance, and maybe even its search engine rankings can all be enhanced by switching to HTTP/2.

11. Apply sluggish loading

Images and other material can be loaded lazily, on demand, to improve page load times. This can help your site load faster and function better, especially on mobile devices with lesser bandwidth.

12. Make use of a CDN (content delivery network)

A content delivery network (CDN) is a system of distributed servers that provides websites with the ability to target visitors depending on their physical location. The adoption of a content delivery network (CDN) can boost your website’s speed and performance, especially for visitors who are geographically far from your server.

13. Compress using Gzip

Using gzip compression, you can shrink the size of the files on your website, making them easier to transfer and load faster.

14. Put browser caching to use

It is possible to reduce the time it takes for a user to download your site’s resources by using a method called browser caching. If you do this, your website should load faster and run more smoothly, especially for returning customers.

15. Streamline your server setup

If your server infrastructure is set up correctly, your website’s speed and performance will increase. The correct hosting company, a fast and dependable server, and database optimization are all part of this.

16. Install a caching add-on

A caching plugin is a piece of software that creates a cached version of your website’s pages. If you do this, your website should load faster and run more smoothly, especially for returning customers.

17. Fix the picture quality

Your site’s load time may increase if you don’t compress your photos for the web. Images should be optimized in terms of file size, compression, and file type (JPG, PNG, GIF, etc.).

You may increase your website’s organic traffic and boost its exposure in search results by adhering to these technical SEO best practices and advanced approaches. Make sure your website is optimized for search engines and provides a great user experience by keeping up with the newest SEO trends and strategies.

Who Is a Technical SEO Consultant and What Do They Do?

Experts in technical SEO know their way around a website’s code and other nitty-gritty details. Your website will load quicker for users and be more easily crawled and indexed by search engines thanks to their technological skills.

SEO specialists, on the other hand, employ popular search terms and engaging articles to boost your site’s visibility and visitor numbers. In conclusion, you need both high-quality content that is optimized for search engines and a well-designed website structure. Together, those two factors will drive more customers to your online store.

Finding a reliable technical SEO firm is difficult, but you need one anyway. The truth is that many people online pose as SEO specialists when they are not. The factors to think about before hiring a technical SEO professional are discussed in this article. 

Warnings That You Need an SEO Professional

You, as a business owner, must network to increase sales. It doesn’t matter what you’re selling, you need a way for people to locate you online. If you desire steady, long-term development, search engine optimization is more important than paid advertising. 

With the aid of SEO, you may gradually move up the search engine ranks and, with any luck, get on the top page of the SERP. 

However, competent SEO is not simple. Internal SEO is a lot of work, and you’ll find this out soon. Although doing SEO on your own might yield temporary success, eventually you will need to bring in the professionals. 

In this article, we’ll discuss the five most telling signals that you need an SEO expert and how to go about selecting one.

Do You Need to Work with an SEO Consultant? Top 5 Indicators That It’s Finally Time

Hiring an SEO professional is not a good choice. Any of these are signs that your company needs to consult with an SEO professional.

1. Since When Have You Done This?

On-page optimization for search engines (SEO) may get rather sophisticated. If you have no idea what I’m talking about but still want to improve your site’s position in Google search results, it’s time to bring in the pros. 

Do-it-yourself SEO can be risky if you don’t know what you’re doing because there’s a lot of incorrect advice out there. If you want to rank higher in search results without breaking the rules set out by search engines, you need to implement current white hat SEO strategies. 

Due to the ever-evolving nature of search engines, SEO is a dynamic field. The search engine results page placement can be completely changed by an algorithm update. Hire an SEO professional if you don’t have the time or knowledge to keep up with the latest SEO best practices.

Specialists in search engine optimization (SEO) not only help you stay abreast of industry developments in this field but also craft effective SEO strategies tailored to your company’s specific needs.

2. You Have Resources

It takes a bit of money to conduct SEO properly, whether you do it in-house or employ an SEO service. Increased domain authority, brand awareness, organic traffic, fresh leads, backlinks, and a whole lot more may all result from investing in SEO-focused blog material. 

If you have the means and are interested in taking your brand to new heights, hiring an SEO professional might be a great decision.

3. Not Many People Visit Your Site

If just ten people a day are visiting your website, it may be time to consult with a search engine optimization professional. To do well in search engine results pages (SERPs) with low traffic is quite difficult. It sends a message to Google that your content or user experience isn’t worthwhile, which can hurt your search engine rankings. 

Better quality leads may be gathered from your website thanks to SEO. The conversion rate for outbound leads is only 1.7%, whereas the conversion rate for SEO leads is 14.6%.

4. The Marketing Department Cannot Spare the Time

It will be extremely difficult to outrank competitors in your niche that have invested in their SEO teams. In-house marketers can be tasked with SEO, but they may not be able to do it in addition to their other responsibilities. 

Most marketing departments are working at breakneck speed to keep up with their packed schedules of social media, landing sites, email campaigns, lead generation, paid search, copywriting, and more. This is often done by a single individual at a startup or small firm. 

Poor search engine optimization (SEO) results are typically the bottleneck preventing otherwise excellent marketing efforts from reaching new audiences. The majority of our clients come to us seeking assistance so they may focus on their many other projects without feeling overwhelmed. Improving your SEO is like giving your other work a turbocharge. 

Instead of wearing out your marketing staff member, get an outsider who can go in and start contributing right away. It’s the most efficient approach to include SEO in your workflow without overburdening your employees.

5. You Have Decided to Redesign Your Website

This one is straightforward: Will you be updating your website soon? An SEO professional should be consulted during a site redesign. You may improve your chances of ranking for a long time after the redesign is complete with their assistance in setting up your new website with SEO in mind at every stage.


To ensure that search engines can crawl and index your site without any hiccups, you need to do a series of checks and tweak various parameters.

In most circumstances, performing periodic SEO Audits will be the extent of your continued involvement with technical SEO once you’ve gotten it right the first time.

Some of the activities (such as page speed optimization, adding structured data, etc.) may seem technical, but without doing them, your website will not perform to its maximum potential.