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Strategies to Improve Organic Search Rankings on Google

Strategies to Improve Organic Search Rankings on Google

The success or failure of your company’s sales and marketing efforts hinges on the amount of traffic your website receives.

75% of search engine users, according to new data from HubSpot, never look beyond the first page of results. If your website doesn’t rank well, it will be more difficult for potential customers to find you at all, or at least to locate what they’re looking for fast.

Search engine optimization (SEO) is crucial if you want to boost site traffic and acquire more leads. But in this day and age of overwhelming information, how can you stand out from the crowd?

In this article, we’ll discuss:

  • One of the most effective ways to boost search results that few companies are utilizing. 
  • Best SEO tactics and how to implement them to improve your website’s visibility in search results.
  • We know that getting people to visit your site is crucial to its success (after all, more visitors means more potential customers), but we also think it’s critical to attract the correct kind of visitors. Common SEO recommendations are available just about anywhere, but we take a somewhat different approach when instructing our clients.

Do you want to understand not just the fundamentals of search engine optimization (SEO), but also the simple structure that has helped our clients bring in millions of dollars in new business by increasing their website’s traffic, leads, and sales?

Here’s the lowdown on it.

Quick and Easy SEO Methods to Improve Your Site’s Visibility


Methods to Improve Site Ranking

Few people will visit your site if they can’t find it on the first page of Google. Search engine users only visit the first page of results 92% of the time. Still another 4.8% of readers on to the next page. It’s a no-man’s land beyond that point.

The virtual no-man’s-land created by search engines is dynamic and changes with each query. Google’s use of customized search, in which a user’s results may vary depending on factors such as their demographics, geography, and the type of device used to do the search, dates back several years. That might yield an infinite number of first-page results for any given search keyword.

Users will have an easier time locating relevant results. It also improves the odds that inbound marketing will succeed in bringing in new clients. Companies still cite insufficient search traffic as their primary marketing obstacle.  Sixty-five percent of organizations say that attracting new customers is their top marketing challenge.

Are your SEO efforts yielding the desired results, in terms of site visitors? Do you think a steady uptick in organic search traffic may help your company in the areas of brand recognition or lead generation?

Successful SEO takes time. While a long-term commitment to search engine optimization is the best approach to ensure compliance with Google’s ranking parameters, there are immediate steps you can take to boost your site’s visibility.

Perfect Your Content Creation Process

Make something that human beings would like to read. You should avoid making SEO a top priority at all costs. The rationale for this is as follows: using SEO best practices can help search engine crawlers like Google bots properly index your site.

Users are what will give your website an advantage over the competition since they are the ones who will leave comments on your posts, link back to your instructive infographic, and spread your value-driven material across social media. They are interested in what you have to say, not how you use keywords or format images. Make sure your material is useful to your audience.

Search engines of today are quite perceptive, and they can identify if your material is just trying to game the system. On the other hand, they can determine what information will be most interesting to readers. Write for your readers (the humans! ), then optimize for the robots by considering what they’ll find most helpful while you craft your content.

Google rewards sites that constantly add new material. If you run a blog, updating it on a regular basis with fresh content is essential for increasing your site’s search engine rankings.

When a company publishes a new blog post every day, they often experience the best return on investment (ROI) for lead conversions. But if you’re strapped for cash, once a week will suffice for now. One blog post each week is recommended, as less frequent updates may cause visitors to lose interest.

Choose Which Pages to Hide from Google’s Index

SEO Hacker’s founder, Sean Si, claims that the Google bots can’t spend 24 hours a day, seven days a week browsing your site in order to index all of its pages.

It’s likely that you’ve put a lot of time and effort into creating certain pages, such as intriguing content designed to attract leads. However, search engines aren’t as concerned in your About Me or Checkout pages. They won’t attract natural users anyway, therefore there’s no point.

The answer is to add a noindex/nofollow tag in your robots.txt file for the pages you don’t want indexed.

Improve the Quality of Your Keywords.

What is the relevance of your keywords? Which customers should we be focusing on? We recommend figuring out what you’re offering, coming up with a list of keywords related to it, and then typing those phrases into a search engine to see how you stack up against the competition. Then, explore the broad match keyword variants in Google Ads Keyword Planner. Focus on a single keyword phrase every page.

You should employ a keyword research tool, such as BrightEdge or Ahrefs, for your keyword selection. An excellent keyword research tool will provide you with relevant keyword recommendations, search volumes, difficulty to rank for, and expected clicks for each phrase. If your site is fresh or doesn’t have a high page rank yet, you should employ long-tail keywords and focus on the “low-hanging fruit” — the phrases with fewer monthly searches but more competition.

It’s important to keep an eye out for ‘search homonyms,’ or phrases that might mean anything. The term “apple,” for instance, might mean either the Apple computer company or the fruit of the same name, making it difficult to know which one you’re searching for in a search for “apple.” If you want to rank well in search results (although this is less likely now thanks to Google’s RankBrain and BERT improvements), you should be as detailed as possible when choosing the keywords you will use.

After compiling a list of keywords, you should sort them into groups based on the problems faced by your target audience or the personalities you’ve developed for them.

Improve Your Title Tags

One of the most significant aspects affecting your SEO and Google ranking is the title tags of your web pages and blog posts. The title tag is used by search engines to determine the page’s appearance.

Therefore, you should use long tail keywords—keyword phrases that are both relevant and particular to the topic of your content—into your title tags. Title tags should also be kept to 50–60 characters, since this is the sweet spot for best readability.

Title tags should be simple for both humans and search engines to comprehend so that your content may rise in the rankings. Because ultimately it will be actual people (not bots) who are doing the searching and reading.

There is debate among search engine optimization specialists about whether or not you need to prioritize your keywords at the beginning of your title tags. Title tags should follow this guideline regardless of whether or not it affects search engine rankings.

Formulate Clickable Meta Descriptions

In search engine results, the meta description is the line of text that displays beneath your titles and headers. Meta descriptions don’t affect your page rank directly, but they’re crucial for enticing people to click on your results and see if your content is relevant to their search. Make them intriguing (and remember to include keyword variants).

Google’s recommended length for meta descriptions is 120–150 characters, however, this number is subject to change.

Make Wise Use of Headings

When Google scans your material, it relies heavily on headings to get a sense of what’s to come next. Be careful to use SEO-friendly H2 and H3 headers. Including relevant keywords in these tags signals to Google that the section of text following the heading will be focused on the same subject as the keywords used there.

Include Search Terms in URLs

If you want to rank higher in Google’s search results, your URLs should include keywords that are relevant to your business and that your target audience is likely to use in their search queries.

Don’t clutter up your URLs with unnecessary filler words like “and,” “or,” etc. In the long run, leaving out low-value phrases helps Google grasp the topic of your material, giving the impression that your content is of higher quality, which is good for SEO. Remove unnecessary “stop words” from your permalinks to speed up indexing and include just important terms. Stop words are provided below.

Improving your site’s structure may be a part of optimizing your URLs. To increase your site’s visibility in search results, you should use a well-structured hierarchy.

Add ALT Text to Your Images

Including alternative text for photos not only helps persons with visual impairments but also provides context for the images for search engines like Google. Given that Google can’t “see” photos but can read text, including descriptive alt text for them improves SEO by allowing Google to “read” the images.

Alt text needs to include relevant keywords while yet being brief and not spammy. Keywords and phrases that are related to your content and the image’s context and purpose should be included in the alt text.

Provide References on Third-Party Websites.

If you want Google to take you seriously, you need to link out to authoritative sites that can vouch for the quality of the information you’re offering.

You should avoid adding irrelevant or low-quality links that make your material appear to be trying to manipulate the search engine results, despite the fact that you may be tempted to include as many as possible. This might give your material a spammy vibe, undermining its quality and trustworthiness. Always include high-quality links that your viewers will find valuable and are related to the subject matter of your post.

Promote Social Networking

Even though Google might not factor social shares into their search rankings, it doesn’t mean you can’t leverage them to your advantage. The content you share on Facebook and Twitter will be visible to Google since the search engine “crawls” (tracks) those sites.

Brand recognition may also be increased through social sharing. The more people who are aware of your brand, the more likely they are to look for your business online. This tells Google to prioritize your content, which improves your search engine rankings.

Add social sharing icons to your blogs to encourage commenters and readers to spread the word. You may also explicitly request that others share your material. Just be wary of coming across as spammy or too promotional if you do this with every single post you make.

Add captivating pictures to your content to increase engagement and sharing on social media. Image-accompanied messages on Twitter, for instance, saw an increase of 89% in likes and 150% in retweets.

You should also promote your content across other social media platforms to maximize exposure and engagement. Be sure to modify your messages for each site, as each one caters to a different demographic whose interests and preferences may differ from your own.

Put your site’s usability to the test.

Regularly inspecting the user experience is also crucial to search engine optimization. A site that is easy to use, loads quickly, and is regularly updated is more likely to retain visitors and do well in search engine results.

  • Fix any broken links or error pages you see.
  • Verify the loading time of your site to see if there are any superfluous scripts or huge picture files slowing it down.
  • You must switch to a mobile-friendly website.

Having a third party go at your design is useful if you’re experiencing issues with your site’s bounce rate. You’ll benefit most from a streamlined, user-friendly interface.

Reoptimize Existing Non-Performing Content

You want to know, “How can I improve my website’s organic traffic the quickest?” You should begin by re-optimizing the material that already exists on your website but is underperforming. You guessed it: non-performing material is something which is not generating as much interest as you had hoped. You and your team have invested time and energy into generating this material, but it isn’t doing as well as you’d like it to.

Google Analytics shows you the volume of visitors to each of your website’s pages and lets you examine the data across time. Look through your site’s pages and find some of your best writing that isn’t receiving the attention it deserves. How can you re-optimize these parts such that they always reflect the most recent state of the art and offer the greatest possible user experience?

In need of some inspiration? It is possible to:

  • Update existing portions of content and add new ones.
  • Update old material with updated keyword phrases
  • Include H2 and H3 subheadings to make your writing more readable.
  • Update the gallery with fresh pictures.
  • Alter the images’ alternate text to reflect the new context.

Perform In-Depth Competitor Analysis

Competitive researches are quite helpful in SEO. You wish to provide your readers with the finest material possible, but you are unsure of the best approach to accomplish it. When that happens, it’s an excellent time to spy on the opposition and learn from their moves. How would you describe the material they’re making? What do you think the scope is? Is there a way you can make a resource even more useful?

Looking at the competition can provide you insight into what you need to do to succeed. And you’ll have a yardstick by which to evaluate the efficacy of your own writing. When comparing organic search visibility to the competition, SEMrush is an excellent tool.

Researching your competitors can yield useful insights, but you must ensure that any material you produce in response to this analysis stands on its own as original work. Websites that have duplicate material on them will be punished by search engines like Google.

Blog Consistently

Did you realize that blogging might affect your search engine optimization? Blogging, contrary to popular belief, entails more than just writing posts people want to read. In reality, search engines like Google value recently published material, especially when it contains relevant keywords. While it’s important to add relevant keywords for Google, your content’s primary goal should be to satisfy your readers’ information demands.

If your website hasn’t changed in a number of years, paying close attention to and updating your blog is of utmost importance. By consistently publishing high-quality material on your blog, you may boost your website’s search engine rankings, position your company as an industry authority, and generate new leads. However, you’ll need an SEO content strategy that addresses your readers’ queries, wants, and pain points if you want your blog to succeed.

The use of subject and keyword research comes into play here. Check out question and answer sites like Quora and Reddit to discover what others in your field are interested in discussing. Google’s “Searches related to” and “People Also Ask” boxes might also be helpful when conducting a search. The questions are too lengthy to fit into a blog entry.

Seek Out Guest Blogging Roles

Having someone else write for your site may help you get exposure, strengthen your brand, and attract quality inbound connections to your own pages. However, you are not alone if you are unsure about how to begin guest posting. Steps in the procedure are as follows:

Discovering blogs is surprisingly simple. Finding blogs to write for is as easy as conducting a search for keywords related to your business or those you hope to rank for, and then adding the terms “guest blog,” “contributor,” or “write for us” to the query. The search engine results page will then provide a list of blogs that relate to or are part of your sector, for which you may submit a guest post.

After identifying several relevant blogs, you may move on to developing your proposal. Make sure the intended readers of the blog you’re pitching to will find value in the content you’re proposing to write about.

Now that your initial pitch has been approved, it’s time to go to work on the actual writing. Include both internal and external connections to pertinent stuff that will benefit your viewers. Don’t forget to add in your author bio.

Never Stop Trying to Rank Higher in Search Engines

Even after following all of these suggestions to the letter, you still won’t be finished. You can always get better and learn something new. The SEO strategies we should employ and the method we should employ them are subject to change as Google rolls out new features and updates.

Make a pact with yourself to always be improving and evaluating. Take note of the shifts in your data as you implement new features and keep up with SEO best practices. As with most things, you get out of it what you put into it. Improving SEO is unquestionably worth it for the increased website visitors.

For more help, you can hire our SEO consultant in the USA. Our SEO consultants will help you to rank your website on top of Google with high search volume keywords.